599C: Day at the Beach

Suppose we find our first segment s with length l, what property will that have?

  1. it will contain the l smallest numbers. Conversely, if we find the first l smallest numbers, we can declare a segment

  2. any remaining numbers >= any numbers in the s,i.e., the min of the remaining segment >= max of s. Conversely, having this property
means s must have the smallest numbers,i.e., can form a segment

This leads to 2 ideas

Idea 1

We keep track of a balance of numbers as we scan through the array from the left, every time we hit with balance 0, we announce that we detect a segment

Idea 2

We scan from left to right, every time we detect i s.t. max(1…i) <= min(i+1…n), by property 2 we can declare a segment

123A: Prime Permutation

Consider the target string:

All s[i] where i 2 will share the same letter
if n >= 6, then i 3 will share the same letter as previous, because s[6] = s[3] = s[2]    
Similarly, if n >= 10, then all i 2, i 3 , and i 5 will share the same char

By induction, we know for all prime <= n/2, i | prime will share the same letter. Moreover, if a composite number <= n/2, it must have a prime fact <= n/2, i.e., all number in [2, n/2] must share the same number

Conversely, if prime > n/2, it can appear only once as factor, i.e, at i = prime itself. if composite > n/2, then it must be a prime factor <= 2/n, which means it will share char with previous steps

So the algorithm is

  1. scan string to keep track of counts, and which letter is the most popular

  2. all number in [2, 2/n] must be same

  3. for numbers in 2, use a process similar to sieve to generate composite numbers > n/2 that has to share the same char

  4. scan through the answer again to fill in whatever left

297B: Fish Weight(!!!)

Idea 1

Consider the delta between A and B, it is possible for A to win if and only if

  1. delta of the biggest fish is in the favor of A

  2. first continous positive delta in the favor of A > sum of continuous positve delta previously in the favor of B.

But coding this is not the easiest thing

  1. sort <weight, count> pair in decreasing order for A and B

  2. if top weight (A) > tw(B) || top weight(A) = tw(B) && count of tw(A) > count oftw(B), done

  3. if top count and weight same, progress both indeies 

  4. progress B indice, until conditions 2) is statisfied, update the top most count for B

  5. now progress A index until 2) is violated, update the + balance for A

  6. compare if + balance is > - balance

Notice here we need to iterate through map <int, int> which is often sigh of flawed algorithm

Idea 2

just sort all fishes caught, on the first difference, if A is winning we are done. If B is winning, we need to keep scanning until we find a position where A is winning

Claim: A is winning in at least one postition <=> it is possible to find a solution

  1. (<=)  if A is not winning at any position, obviously impossible 

  2. (=>) we can make the delta arbitarily large to cover all potential balances