Codeforces Notes
538D: Weird Chess
Start with one piece, let it move to all potential positions, and then check other pieces one by one, if it can attack a piece that is not really the case, take that move out of final answer
In the end, do a final vefification of answers, make sure the pattern is same
550D: Regular Bridge(!!!)
k = 1, trivial case k = 2, no solution? Total edges: n * k / 2
after we take out a bridge, each composnent should have (|C| * k - 1)/2 edges, i.e., when k is even there is no solution. when k is odd, easy to construct a solution, with each component a complete graph minus the bridge, but note that the skipped edges should be 2-3, 4-5, instead of 2-3, 3-4!!!
To make coding easider, we can assign 1..k+ 2 to the left half, and 1 + k+2 … 2k +4 to the right half
763B: Timofey and rectangles
since all lengths are odd, we know that for the bottom right corner, the oddity of the corrdinate must not be same for adjancent rectangles, i.e, at least the oddity of x-coordinate or y-coornidate are different. Therefore, we can just assign color in this schema, this means even if there is adject rectangles, we will guarantee that they have different color