CS Acedemy Notes
Round 70: Min Distances
the classic shortest path relationship is that minD(a, b) = min (a, c) + min(c, b) over all cs
Note that when we can’t find c that satifies such relationships, either our graph is invalid, or a,b is direct!!!
so we just populate matrix and re-run f-w
Round 71: Binary Differences
Claim: the set must be continous
Proof: suppose we find the max diff, we can keep taking off left and right end and reduce the diff by 0, 1, or 2, as we like
so we can just find the max and min possible k value. Note that for the ease of calc, we can map f(0) = 1 and f(1) = -1
Round 71: Russian Dolls
easy to calculate # will gain by reducing to the next level, and keep track of the max # we have seen so far, we stop, when the new # >= seen
Round 72: Beautiful Matrix
only 4 possible cases
swaping top row
swapping bottom row
swapping left col
swapping right col
Round 72: Spring Cleaning
So the graph is a cycle or sunny graph. Easy to see we can clean all but 1 node. So just DFS and print it in reverse order except the last one
Round 73: Binary Isomorphism
Hard problem for me!!!