Codeforces Notes
961D: Pair Of Lines
Take first two points, and see if they can form a candidate line, and then the remaining dots must be on a different line
If does not work, then the third point must be on the same line as either first or second point.
To check if a, b, c are on the same line, calculate 2d CROSS PRODUCT of (b- a) * (c - a), will be 0 if (b - a) and (c - a) are colinear!!!
1012B: Chemical table
Covert a cell into an edge in bipartite graph!!!
For every path of length 3 we can create a fusion, and we can replace the fusion by reducing the total # of edges by 2.
If a component is connected, we must be able to find a path of length 3, then we can just find the longest path and keep performing the fusion, until max length of path is 2, i.e., simple components
Between simple components, we just need one additional edge to create a new component
702D: Road to Post Office
Regardless of the input value, just get the min of 4 cases: all walk, all drive, drive until the last seg and then walk, drive first leg and then walk
853B: Jury Meeting
Two pointer on k segments, on each day, we need to update, for each jury, the cheapest arrival rate (lower), the cheapest departure date (higher), is it enough the satify all requirement, what is the current cost
1118D2: Coffee and Coursework (Hard Version)
Bsaerch on the number of days, and then just take the highest (number of days) of coffee, minus the ones, not contributing
1017D: The Wu
Note that we have only 2^12 possible choices, so we can just pre-compute the answer for 2^24 = 16 mil iterations
500D: New Year Santa Network
For each edge, calculate how likely it is appear in a path between (a, b). For every delta, reduce the result by 3 * delta * probablility
405D: Toy Sum
The greedy intuition is easy, but I was stuck at proving it!!!
Claim: We can always find a solution if and only if size of X is no longer than half of S
If n > S/2, the lower bound of X is higher than the upper bound
If n LTE S/2, Suppose X has A symmetric pairs, then the remaining possible symmetric pair numbers are s/2 - A - (n - A) = s/2 - n + 2A. If we add the constraint in, we can see that we just have enough “idle” pairs!!!
615D: Multipliers
This problem is harder that it appears!!!
What is the number of divisors d(x)? Also, f(x) = x^d(x)/2 f(a *b ) = f(b)^d(a) * f(a)^d(b)