How tidb operator constructs aws eks cluster
Context: we want to provision multiple tidb clusters inside the same EKS cluster
- Uses different worker groups to host different components, each worker group with specific taint and node label at the same time, e.g.,
--register-with-taints=dedicated=pd:NoSchedule --node-labels=dedicated=pd
- Each worker group maps to a ASG, and we can add tags to the user group itself then. Note that by default the monitor group doesn’t have extra tags
- The user data at each worker group just configs docker group and format and mount nvme disk
- Uses a null resource provisioner to apply the following k8s manifests, CRD, local volume provisioner, gp2 storage class, tiller rbac, in order
- inits helm and waits until it completes
- releases a tidb-operator via helm chart of the same name to tidb-admin namespace
- releases a tidb-cluster via helm chart of the same name, to tidb namespace. Note that this chart accepts data.template_file.tidb_cluster_values as params
- Then the null resource provisioner will keep polling via kubectl until pd, tidb, and tikvs are ready
- Note that elb and network access rules are not provisioned explicitly here
The helm release for tidb-cluster are done by tf module, where
provides params toresource "helm_release" "tidb-cluster" { depends_on = ["helm_release.tidb-operator"] name = "tidb-cluster-${var.cluster_name}" namespace = "tidb" chart = "${path.module}/charts/tidb-cluster" values = [ "${data.template_file.tidb_cluster_values.rendered}" ] }
Tidb cluster helm chart
- Check
for the template values, important ones include:// TidbCluster is the control script's spec type TidbCluster struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"` // Spec defines the behavior of a tidb cluster Spec TidbClusterSpec `json:"spec"` // Most recently observed status of the tidb cluster Status TidbClusterStatus `json:"status"` } type TidbClusterSpec struct { SchedulerName string `json:"schedulerName,omitempty"` PD PDSpec `json:"pd,omitempty"` TiDB TiDBSpec `json:"tidb,omitempty"` TiKV TiKVSpec `json:"tikv,omitempty"` TiKVPromGateway TiKVPromGatewaySpec `json:"tikvPromGateway,omitempty"` // Services list non-headless services type used in TidbCluster Services []Service `json:"services,omitempty"` PVReclaimPolicy corev1.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy `json:"pvReclaimPolicy,omitempty"` Timezone string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` }