In AsyncAppender.append, if failed to move the message to in-memory buffer

if (blocking) {
     if (AbstractLogger.getRecursionDepth() > 1) { // LOG4J2-1518, LOG4J2-2031
         // If queue is full AND we are in a recursive call, call appender directly to prevent deadlock
     } else {
         // delegate to the event router (which may discard, enqueue and block, or log in current thread)
         final EventRoute route = asyncQueueFullPolicy.getRoute(thread.getId(), memento.getLevel());
         route.logMessage(this, memento);
 } else {
     error("Appender " + getName() + " is unable to write primary appenders. queue is full");
     logToErrorAppenderIfNecessary(false, memento);

On default settings

  1. The buffer is an ArrayBlockingQueue
  2. blocking is set to true
  3. use DefaultAsyncQueueFullPolicy, which most likely uses EventRoute.ENQUEUE, which in turns uses BlockingQueue.put(logEvent);

This means that under default settings, if the buffer is remains full for a long time, e.g., consumer is unable to consume, your main logging thread will be blocked on that put call, and in turn the Tomcat work thread pool will be exhausted!