- Spider crawls web to create build data (BD)
- Estimate 1 T new page generated per day, e.g., 10 pages for everyone in the owlrd
- Each 100K is 100 PB per day
- Need to store:
- URL - which can be in a trie to reduce the char space
- last_visted_at
- hash
- Links to crawl, separately from the crawled links
- May Separate day db, hour data, month db, change only the hour db, and divide & conquer the search result
- Seed URLs can be populated by hand
- DNS caching needs to be tuned or enchanced so since it discovers a lot new URLs
How much can a trie save?
- assume all URLs are of lenght up to l, evenly distributed chars. So the total space is 26 + 26^2 + … = O(l * 26^l)
- In a trie, we have 26 chars at each level, so it is 26^l => so we saved a factor of l
- The intuition being that no matter which way we estimate, we need space to keep track only the unique marker
Page indexer
- Indexer reads/receives URL from the crawler, and build inverted index by visiting the URL
- Child links from that page is needed for page rank
- Choose to snapshot the page visited, including the link and snippets. This will power the document service when the search indexer returns the URLs
- may build the document a forward index of key words and prefixes
- for quick filtering, can use a bloomfilter for the key words and prefixes
Search indexer
- Analyze the search keyword
Search flow
- Goes through search indexer to limit the documents to search
- Ranker will score and sort results and return the first page result
- Skiplist to the most common appraoch for ordered LL union problem. Log(n) perf.
- Cache popular search results. Reading 1MB sequentially is 250 microsec from memory, 1ms on SSD