
// Join represents table join.
type Join struct {

	// Left table can be TableSource or JoinNode.
	Left ResultSetNode
	// Right table can be TableSource or JoinNode or nil.
	Right ResultSetNode
	// Tp represents join type.
	Tp JoinType
	// On represents join on condition.
	On *OnCondition
	// Using represents join using clause.
	Using []*ColumnName
	// NaturalJoin represents join is natural join
	NaturalJoin bool

func (b *planBuilder) buildJoin(join *ast.Join) LogicalPlan {
	b.optFlag = b.optFlag | flagPredicatePushDown
	leftPlan := b.buildResultSetNode(join.Left)
	rightPlan := b.buildResultSetNode(join.Right)
	newSchema := expression.MergeSchema(leftPlan.Schema(), rightPlan.Schema())
	joinPlan := LogicalJoin{}.init(b.ctx)
	joinPlan.SetChildren(leftPlan, rightPlan)

	// Merge sub join's redundantSchema into this join plan. When handle query like
	// select t2.a from (t1 join t2 using (a)) join t3 using (a);
	// we can simply search in the top level join plan to find redundant column.
	var lRedundant, rRedundant *expression.Schema
	if left, ok := leftPlan.(*LogicalJoin); ok && left.redundantSchema != nil {
		lRedundant = left.redundantSchema
	if right, ok := rightPlan.(*LogicalJoin); ok && right.redundantSchema != nil {
		rRedundant = right.redundantSchema
	joinPlan.redundantSchema = expression.MergeSchema(lRedundant, rRedundant)

	b.curClause = onClause
	onExpr, newPlan, err := b.rewrite(join.On.Expr, joinPlan, nil, false)
	onCondition := expression.SplitCNFItems(onExpr)
	joinPlan.JoinType = InnerJoin
	return joinPlan

Group by

// LogicalAggregation represents an aggregate plan.
type LogicalAggregation struct {

// AggFuncDesc describes an aggregation function signature, only used in planner.
	AggFuncs     []*aggregation.AggFuncDesc
	GroupByItems []expression.Expression
	// groupByCols stores the columns that are group-by items.
	groupByCols []*expression.Column

	possibleProperties [][]*expression.Column
	inputCount         float64 // inputCount is the input count of this plan.

type AggFuncDesc struct {
	// Name represents the aggregation function name.
	Name string
	// Args represents the arguments of the aggregation function.
	Args []expression.Expression
	// RetTp represents the return type of the aggregation function.
	RetTp *types.FieldType
	// Mode represents the execution mode of the aggregation function.
	Mode AggFunctionMode
	// HasDistinct represents whether the aggregation function contains distinct attribute.
	HasDistinct bool